May 13 2011


In her mid 30’s crisis, Annie (Kristen Wiig), is faced with being the maid of honor for her best friend since childhood, Lillian (Maya Rudolph). Charged with planning the bachelorette party, the bridal shower, and many of the finishing touches on the wedding Annie strains to keep it together; meanwhile, Helen (Rose Byrne), Lillian’s newest girlfriend seems to have all the answers and perfect composure. But, as tension builds, who will ultimately win Lillian’s affection, and will Annie ever manage to get her life back on track? Saying that the film is produced by comedic juggernaut Judd Apatow almost feels like all that is needed here based on his track record alone, but then, what fun would writing this be? Right! So here goes, in many regards I’m thinking a female version of The Hangover. Situationally very funny scenes tie together from the crude and vulgar to the more intellectual. More impressive yet was the fact that where most “chick flicks” might go soft, the comedic force here powers forward and shows no mercy. And sure, while the film is predictable and the final destination is pretty much a given, there’s still just enough of the unexpected to keep the journey interesting. Well played ladies, well played. Bridesmaids is rated R.