Nov 6 2015

Miss You Already

The friendship between two lifelong friends, Jess and Milly (Drew Barrymore, Toni Collette), both with enough dirt to bury each other several times over, is put to the test as one falls fatally ill and the other pregnant. Navigating life, men, and careers has never been so hard, how to endure or crumble?missyoualready Written by Morwenna Banks and Directed by Catherine Hardwicke the depth and well roundedness of the two leads makes for a story that feels as though it could be any two good girlfriends, easily relatable, complete with full drama. And, while the film does lean on the crutch of voiceover narration for multiple passages, and a few cliche settings, the positives from Collette’s performance still far outweigh the detractors in this case. Simple in its course plotting overall but heavy in the emotional journey, the end payout is impactful even if we already know the destination. Looking for your painfully accurate punch in the feels, here’s your ticket this weekend. Miss You Already is rated PG-13.