Renton-SIFF Promo Bonanza!

So for the few of you in Seattle who live under a rock in the months of May and June, there’s this thing that happens every year called The Seattle International Film Festival. Imagine several weeks of national and international actors, directors, producers, cinophiles, and the like all milling about the Emerald City. It’s basically North America’s largest film festival…kind of a big deal, but in a mildly collected and non-offensive polite Seattle way. As a film critic it’s a great place for me to spend any extra time I have left these days to catch up on the latest foreign films, catch some obscure indie flicks, and meet some interesting new people– a pretty sweet gig I might add.
This year was extra special for yours truly though. As you may know, I sometimes dabble in indie film production here in Seattle doing all sorts of things. Well, imagine my surprise when local actor/producer and all round good guy Ben Andrews contacted me with the idea of being in a promo for SIFF in Renton, WA? For the last few years as SIFF has grown various surrounding cities have all vied for the opportunity to host a few screenings. This year was Renton’s lucky year, and, to celebrate the city decided that it would be a good idea to advertise their victory. That’s where Ben Andrews and Ben James at Evil Slave llc came in to the picture. With their minds a twitter of the possibilities, their group came up with the idea of two enthusiastic but perhaps disillusioned guys pitching film ideas to the Mayor of Renton. With just days to plan the Bens contacted yours truly and the kindred spirit of one John Curley, talk show host on KIRO-FM. Coordinating our schedules would take some doing, but a sunny Sunday morning at 6:00am seemed to fit. It was here where Director Sam Akina along with a team of crack commando film makers swung into action. The crew involved was amazing, all involved stayed focused and on target bashing out take after take until things were just right. From here editing, finessing, and many other magical steps happened (all too lengthy to go into really). POW! Final cuts! Below are the end results. The “Top Gun 3” version is really my favorite, but they’re all good. Awesome.
Top Gun 3


Death Ray

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