Movies for this week

The Incredible Hulk
Edward Norton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth and William Hurt take to the silver screen this weekend as the Incredible Hulk smashes into theatres. Bruce Banner/The Hulk (Norton) is a fugitive on the run from the government attempting to find a way to control his hulk persona, chaos ensues.  A decent script for a graphic novel turned movie and cinematography that attempts just about every trick in the book makes for a good foundation for this film. Well done graphics also lend to a pretty sharp experience. Probably best enjoyed on the big screen. The Incredible Hulk is rated PG-13.

The Happening
Mark Wahlberg, Zooey Deschanel, and John Leguizamo star in M. Night Shyamalan’s latest offering. An unknown force is causing mass suicide in the North East and school teacher Elliot Moore (Wahlberg) and his wife (Deschanel) try to escape what seems to be an impossible foe. Conceptually interesting but poorly scripted dialogue and weak performances all round leave the viewer starved for the quality one has come to expect from Shyamalan. Maybe worth a rental at a later date. The Happening is rated R.