The Hero

Facing the potential of his twilight years often typecast actor Lee Hayden (Sam Elliot) is honored with a lifetime achievement award, an accolade that could re-ignite his career but also brings his entire life into question. Repairing the damage of his failed marriage to ex-wife Valarie (Katherine Ross) and daughter Lucy (Krysten Ritter), yet also exploring new potential with girlfriend Charlotte (Laura Prepon), Lee has a lot of sorting to do. What will it take for Lee heal and become whole again? Directed by Brett Haley and co-written Marc Basch and Brett Haley, the parallels between art imitating life are apparent yet distinguishing what is creative license, Elliot had this to say about the crossover For Writer/Director Haley getting to show Elliot’s strength and true diversity was also important . Still, through the writing process, leaving a lot of open ended questions and dramatic open holes in lieu of exposition to develop character becomes a crutch for Haley and Basch, a tactic some may question, Haley defends this perspective Regardless, the film’s simple but impacting message is a poignant take for anyone questioning their life’s trajectory, the importance of hope, and a closer look to what it means to be human and flawed. In reflection of his own life and career Elliot had this to say Worthy of a matinee and a kind heart, The Hero is rated R.