Friend Request

Popular hot girl from campus, Laura (Alycia Debnam-Carey), finds herself the cyber stalking target of odd duck Marina (Liesl Ahlers). Stranger yet, with the apparent suicide of Marina darker forces appear to be at hand as Laura’s friends seem to be dying off one by one, could there be witchcraft to blame? Directed by cinematic Jack of all trades Simon Verhoeven, this bedtime horror tale does little to introduce new concepts of evil and even less regarding fresh dialogue and overall plotting. Coloring within the standard lines of horror, the average tropes are rolled out one by one while Cheese Whiz writing drips onto the rest of the experience. Still, making lemon-aide out of lemons Debnam-Carey does her best to sell the drama, it’s too bad the rest of the pieces around her are as bone headed as they are ala 80’s teen horror flick. Pass, Friend Request is rated R.