The Lighthouse

Chosen to steward a lighthouse on a clandestine rock off the coast of New England, young Ephraim Winslow (Robert Pattinson) and the much older Thomas Wake (Willem Dafoe) are an odd couple to say the least; but, learning to navigate each other’s peculiarities and preferences for their 4 week stint together may prove to be more than either can bear. Directed by Robert Eggers, and written by Max Eggers and Robert Eggers, tales from the sea, superstition, creatures from the deep, and storms of biblical proportion are just the tip of this cabin fevered and allegory rich iceberg. Heavily inspired by the works of Herman Melville and historical events that took place in an actual lighthouse off the coast of Wales, this black and white work of art combines beautifully composed cinematography, stunning sound design, and two powerhouse actors to create the suspense masterpiece you didn’t see coming. In particular, DaFoe’s theatrical muscle and ability to recite impossibly long monologues of great nautical vengeance in single takes and Pattinson’s measured windup makes for the perfect slowest-fuse-ever to reach a powder keg– haunting in its imagery, leaving an indelible mark in the viewer’s mind. An art house film by definition, this will be a challenging watch for pedestrian film goers, but for those who long to feel the blaze of St. Elmo’s fire from their masts, this is the rich and satisfying experience being sought.The Lighthouse is rated R.