House of Gucci

Looking to be a part of something bigger than her humble beginnings, Patrizia Reggiani (Lady Gaga) finds her ticket with Maurizio Gucci (Adam Driver), the son of Rodolfo Gucci (Jeremy Irons), and, half of the Gucci family legacy. Once married, Patrizia’s hunger for power, fortune, and fashion begins to threaten the entire Gucci family, a sense of ambition with a truly reckless potential, but really, how far can this actually go?Directed by Ridley Scott and Written by Becky Johnston, Roberto Bentivegna, and Sara Gay Forden, this reenactment of the Gucci family demise and resurrection plays out as a dark procedural comedy proving once again, sometimes life is stranger than fiction; and, tragically and unapologetically hilarious at times. With the ensemble of heavyweights gathered here, there’s more than plenty of method acting to go around, nods to Jared Leto and Al Pacino for their show stealing father and son portrayal of the “other” half of the Gucci family to boot. The film’s overall construction, feel and texture carries more of the weight fans of the Director have come to expect with the misfire of The Last Duel still ringing in our ears. Although the piece does run long at two hours and thirty seven minutes, it’s hard to pick what could have been edited out. Still, notable for it’s entire composition and experience, House of Gucci, Rated R, is a win for the holiday weekend.