The Fall Guy

After falling on hard times Stuntman, Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling), gets a call to help an old flame now budding movie director, Jody Moreno (Emily Blunt). Meanwhile, Tom Ryder (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), the lead actor in Jody’s film has gone missing; fortunately, Colt knows a thing or two about Tom and possibly how to find him. Now, transporting his skills as a stuntman to a bounty hunter, Colt will have to race against the clock to save Jody’s film, the movie star, and his love life all at once.Written by Drew Pearce and Glen Larson and Directed by David Leitch, a former stuntman himself, this homage to the stunt community and loose interpretation of the 1980’s television series serves as a fun palate for Gosling and Blunt to ignite their on screen chemistry, an X-factor these two have in truckloads, which is in fact the saving grace for this otherwise thinly outlined plot. Of course the stunts are big, the explosions are bigger, the thrills, chills, and spills ensure your seat best be securely fastened to the floor. It’s mission accomplished for fun, but let’s not be too hasty on the mental acuity accolades. Running just over two hours of runtime, the end credits are a must watch featuring some of the more impressive behind the scenes shots, stunt actors, and outtakes from the actual film production. It’s fun, unchallenging material for your weekend viewing pleasure, The Fall Guy is rated PG-13.