
When a mysterious new deadly virus with unknown origins begins to spread around the globe the world’s greatest minds are set into action. As the virus spreads, fear, panic, and chaos begins to set in. This is the story of humanity’s stand against the virus, told from multiple perspectives, the average joe’s, the CDC, the bio-tech community, the fanatic’s, the government’s, etc.. Who will survive, who will die, and where exactly did the virus actually come from are the big questions. Meanwhile, a myriad of other questions are methodically examined bit by bit slowly revealing how
an actual contagion might be addressed. An all star cast leads this modern thriller including parts from, Gweneth Paltrow, Matt Damon, Lawrence Fishburne, Jude Law, Kate Winslet, and Marion Cotillard. Quality performances ring throughout making the overall ensemble strong. Told in a peekaboo and almost haphazard editing style we’re slowly given pieces to the puzzle which certainly helps to create a sense of mystery, suspense, and disorientation to what might otherwise be a relatively boring story. Although, none of the storylines go deep enough to really get meaty which is unfortunate because there’s plenty to explore about humanity in this regard. Overall I can’t say I was truly riveted, but it was interesting. Maybe a matinee or a rental. Contagion is rated PG-13.