Dec 18 2009


Famed director of the film adaptation of “Chicago,” Rob Marshall shoots for the stars with his adaptation of Federico Fellini’s film “8 1/2.” The Story of Maestro Guido Contini (Daniel Day-Lewis), beloved director of wildly popular films but a tortured genius experiencing a midlife crisis. Peeling back the onion skin-esque layers of Contini’s life reveals the juggling act of women he must endure, his wife (Marion Cotilliard), his mistress (Penelope Cruz), his muse (Nicole Kidman), a fashion journalist (Kate Hudson), a prostitute from his formative youth (Fergie), willing ear and costume designer (Judi Dench), and his mother (Sophia Loren). nine-poster Directed, shot, and edited with the spirit of Fellini in mind the film takes on a dreamlike quality that phases the viewer from reality to the mind of Contini in seamless slips that also introduce us to the fact that this in fact a musical, and a sexy musical at that. Impressive choreography that slinks and seduces gives plenty of eye candy to watch. And, while not every musical number has a memorable hook, there is more than plenty to walk away humming at the end of the show– a traditional mark of a good musical. Meanwhile, notable performances from most of the ensemble show that Nine has quite a muscle to flex talent wise, even at it’s weakest the film is still interesting, and entertaining. Creative use of lighting, color, and black and white makes for interesting story telling and creative reveals. A great date movie, and worth seeing. Nine is rated PG-13.

Dec 11 2009

Me and Orson Welles

17 year old Richard Samuels (Zac Efron) is high school student with a silver tongue and the ability to act. Given his natural talents, Richard smooth talks his way into a production of Julius Caesar shifting his life into the fast lane. This is after all no ordinary theatre production, this is an Orson Welles (Christian McKay) production and, the creative genius, arrogance, and idiosyncratic behaviour of a young Welles is in top form. Helping Richard stay afloat is Sonja Jones (Claire Danes), a young actress with dreams of success of her own. When a love triangle is set between Orson, Sonja and Richard tensions rise and the play is put in jeopardy. Will the production go on, what about the budding romances, and how will the careers of all involved pan out?Me-and-Orson-Welles-poster Hauntingly accurate acting by all accounts from McKay adds an extra fine shine to this already polished gem. Meanwhile, fine acting from all others in the ensemble really make this a delight to watch and prompt the viewer to wonder what might be truth or fiction. Visually interesting directing from Richard Linklater, just the right amount of humor and fun nods to other film from the period add to the experience. Fun for a date and worth seeing. Me and Orson Welles is rated PG-13.

Dec 11 2009

A Single Man

When George (Colin Firth), a college English professor, loses his partner Jim (Matthew Goode) in a tragic car accident, his will to carry on begins to slip. Fortunately, Charley (Julianne Moore), a wry 40 something beauty who knows George inside and out is able to lend an ear and be of help during the grieving process. But when Kenny (Nicholas Hoult), a young attractive student steps into the picture, salt is inadvertently poured into the wound of lost love.a-single-man-poster Set in the 1960’s, A Single Man examines the social taboos and structure of gay relationships in the era. Top notch acting from Firth and Moore offers incredibly honest and believable chemistry. And, the creative eye of director Tom Ford brings interesting perspective and insight to the characters motivations through a blending of flashback and reality as well as color and black and white. Strong drama and worth seeing, A Single Man is rated PG-13.