Winter’s Tale

Orphaned at birth and raised by crooks, Peter Lake (Colin Farrell) is a mortal but talented criminal with little direction. Now hunted by his teacher who happens to be a demon, Pearly Soames (Russell Crowe), Peter is in a race for his life. But it’s the love of a redheaded girl, Beverly Penn (Jessica Brown Findlay), who put’s Peter’s world in a spin. Guided by guardian angels and his love for a quickly deceased Beverly, Peter’s quest and purpose to save a life is a journey that travels decades. It’s good versus evil with a string of love that pulls throughout, will Peter and Beverly every be re-united? winterstale At its core it’s a supernatural love story with angels, demons, and the god force told in a ridiculously porous nature with extra schmaltz slathered on everything. Giant plot holes give way to laughably bad scripting, and poor special effects add further insult to the end product. Most impressive though is the fact that despite the cast and crew who worked on this project, there isn’t a better film to show for it. Bring your butter knife for the Cheez Whiz, pass. Winter’s Tale is rated PG-13.