Cold Souls

Paul Giamatti (Paul Giamatti) is an actor starring in a play by Chekov but feels bogged down by the heaviness of his soul. When a new procedure is developed to remove the soul from the body to liberate people from their worries, Paul takes particular interest. Before long, the now soulless actor begins to realize he was actually better off with his soul. Unfortunately, when he goes to have his soul re-attached to his body, he discovers his soul has been sold on the black market. Will a donor soul suffice, will Paul ever get his soul back, will his soul retain its beauty despite being sold to a vile and poisonous person? coldsouls_filmstill2 Written with the actor in mind, this unique tale makes for a funny and imaginative look into “what if?” And, for Paul Giamatti, the script allows for a fun and interesting challenge. The occasional jaunts into art film territory also add a splash of the unexpected. Definitely a film that will get you talking and give pause for thought. Worthy of a matinee or a rental later, Cold Souls is rated PG-13.