The Hidden Life of Trees

Based on the beliefs and research of the best-selling author and forester Peter Wohlleben, The Hidden Life of Trees is a walk into the woods aimed at providing a Cliff’s Notes level of understanding of some of the author’s fascinating ideas and concepts.The Hidden Life of Trees Beautifully filmed and captured for cinematic purpose, leaning heavily on time-lapse nature photography, woven with a handful of Wohlleben’s lectures and field trips through Germany, Poland, Sweden, and Vancouver BC, Director Jörg Adolph crafts a film that invites the viewer to consider forestry concepts without delving too deep into the weeds (so to speak), but rather, the focus is more so on exploring the possibilities of life in the “very slow lane” of trees, their sentient qualities, and the way they cooperate to allow for the survival of the species. Brisk in its runtime of roughly an hour and forty minutes, the film hardly overstays its welcome and instead leaves the curious wanting to learn more. Worth getting into this weekend, The Hidden Life of Trees is rated PG.