Feb 12 2016

Where to Invade Next

Making a tongue in cheek case for further U.S. global domination, Documentarian Michael Moore sets out to tour the globe in search of political ideas from nations already having success from varying degrees of Social Democracy providing for things like socialized medicine, 8 weeks paid vacation, schooling that encourages creativity and the arts, the list goes on– pipe dreams in America, even though many of the topics discussed actually started here in America.WheretoInvadeCherry picking highlights from other countries is nothing new to Moore, but this time, rather than focusing in depth on one particular topic, the scatter shot technique grazing the surface of many concepts is clearly an attempt to cover more ground and one can’t help but feel more than a little manipulated into his worldview due to lack of exploration from all sides. None the less, Moore’s viewpoint is presented clearly leaving room to do further exploration and perhaps can best be seen as a conversation starter on a handful of otherwise touchy subjects. With enough sarcasm and light humor placed throughout this two hour fact hunting mission isn’t an all out assault but by conclusion feels like it could have used a bit of trimming overall. After all, a documentary that’s getting longer without getting better is getting worse. Fun for fans of Moore, Where to Invade Next is rated R.